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Calendar with a twist features unexpectedly emotional photos for each month

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If anyone needs inspiration to get through life’s struggles, then this calendar is enough to lift anyone’s spirits.

The 2025 Women Talk Freely calendar has been put together by a women’s group, who have all faced personal battles with cancer, domestic abuse, grief, baby loss and other health conditions.

The Cheshire-based group was set up to support each other through their struggles by Louise Matthews - Miss January - a community engagement officer, after her own personal battle with mental health and lack of esteem.

Each month features one of the women who is photographed showing how they have overcome their struggles and what life now means for them.

Also a coach Louise, 31, who is single and lives in Northwich, Cheshire, said: ‘I started the group last September to help women who are struggling to provide a support network for each other.


‘I’ve struggled with my mental health and depression since I was a teenager. Working remotely from home during Covid meant a really hit a brick wall of loneliness and I contemplated at one point, even taking my own life.

‘So I set up the group and it helped not only me, but all the women who have joined it. It’s like one big friendship group and we are all here to support each other.

‘People go through so much in their lives, and face all sorts of struggles. And just having other women to talk to about their problems, some of whom are going through the same problems, has really helped everyone.’

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For her photograph, Louise wrote all her words of self doubt over her body, such as being fat, fake, cellulite, and annoying voice, and was pictured with her boxing gloves to symbolise her fighting through her lack of confidence.

She said: ‘Putting the calendar together was an amazing experience. It really empowered all the women who took part, and we are hoping it empowers women who see our calendar too. And to show them that whatever struggles you are going through, you can get through it.

‘The women on this calendar have been through cancer, domestic abuse, mental health problems, grief, lack of self esteem, and we need to improve our well being.

‘We need to raise more awareness of things that are going on in women’s lives, and know that we are there for each other.

‘All the women in my group joined for different reasons, and it has helped enormously just talking about it. So many battles are hidden away, and it needs to be addressed.’

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Karen Wallbank is Miss October, who suffered domestic abuse in her seven year marriage. She is photographed celebrating her freedom.

Karen, 56, who runs her own anaesthetics practice, and lives with partner Howard Fern, 53, a director of an ecology company, said: ‘It never leaves you, and that fear that you aren’t good enough, but I’m in a wonderful relationship now and having the group supporting me has meant so much to me.

‘Domestic abuse can leave you feeling so alone, but I’m so much stronger now, thanks to meeting other women.’

Amy Griffiths, 35, who works for a freight company, is Miss November, and she can’t use her legs after a rugby accident nine years ago.

Amy, who lives with her wife Kelly, 42, head of literacy at a secondary school, and their son Rupert, six, said: ‘I was on the rugby field, and the scrum collapsed on my neck, hyperextending my spinal cord.


‘I was in hospital for six months and now have to use a wheelchair, but my photograph is about not letting my disability define me.

‘People look at my wheelchair and feel sorry for me, and think I’m not capable, but I have a job and a family. I feel empowered after joining this group. And its been an honour to share in other people’s struggles and how they have overcome them.

Also featured is Miss February, Sharon Goadby, 60, who has battled low self-esteem and depression; Miss March Maria Goodwin, 54, who lost her sister suddenly and has struggled with grief ; Miss April Lorraine Fellows, 55, and Miss June Claire Spragg, 47 , who have both battled breast cancer, Miss May Freya O’Brian, 41, who has battled ME, Miss July, Hilary Belshaw, 67, who has suffered from low confidence, Miss August Jalaja Ramanunni, 39, who lost her dad who was in a different country, and Miss September Ashley Lodge, 37, who lost a baby at four months and has battled infertility for five years.

Miss December Kim Smith , a former nurse, now a radio presenter who co-owns Radio Northwich, also had a battle with breast cancer.

Kim, 65, who lives with husband David, 69, a builder, said: ‘I had a difficult battle with breast cancer. I interviewed the 80’s pop star Limahl live on air when I was going through chemo, and had to be sick in a washing up bowl during the interview. ‘The strength of the women in this calendar blew me away. I feel so lucky and humbled to have met them all.’

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