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'My brother refuses to let me bring my dog to his wedding – it's not fair'

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A sister has expressed her fury after her brother told her she is forbidden to bring her dog to his wedding.

A wedding should be a happy, momentous occasion for the couple as they bring their nearest and dearest together to celebrate their love. Unfortunately, in the run up to the big day, it can be stressful trying to manage guests’ expectations and desires.

It’s far easier said than done for a couple to stick to their guns and refuse to accommodate bizarre, unreasonable or entitled requests for their special day, and keeping the peace often comes with a price.

For one groom to be, this includes facing his sister-in-law’s wrath after telling her she absolutely cannot bring her Pomeranian to his upcoming wedding. Taking to Reddit’s popular Am I The A**hole forum, he sought the opinions and judgement of internet strangers.

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For his sister-in-law Emily, her “tiny, yappy” dog goes everywhere with her, be it “family dinners, grocery shopping, you name it”.

She’s “super attached to her dog, and she assumes that wherever she goes, the dog goes too”. The groom said the little dog is essentially “her emotional support animal” but stressed this is “not officially”.

Recently, while discussing the wedding, Emily made a joke about what her dog would wear promoting the groom, and his bride-to-be Sarah, to realise in horror that she “fully intended” to bring the dog along on the big day.

The groom explained: “I told her flat-out, “Sorry, no dogs at the wedding.” Emily got really upset and told me that her dog is like family. She claimed it would be cruel to leave him behind for an entire day, and that she couldn’t enjoy the wedding if she was worrying about him the whole time."


He and Sarah had a discussion and both came to the agreement that “a wedding is not the place for a dog, especially one that barks at random and can be a bit of a handful”. The groom’s aunt is also allergic to dogs, and “the venue has a strict no-pets policy”. Despite all of this being explained to Emily, she believes the happy couple are being unreasonable.

The groom’s future mother-in-law has got involved and taken Emily’s side, believing the dog should be allowed to attend “to keep the peace”.

Sarah and the groom remain firm - they “don’t want to compromise the atmosphere of [their] wedding for one guest’s dog”. Fellow Reddit users flocked to the comments section to share their thoughts, with many concluding Emily was in the wrong.


One simply said: “NTA [not the a**hole] Pets stay home is the default.” Another posted: “If the venue says no pets, it’s really out of your hands. It would be horrible to have your wedding shut down because there was a dog there.”

A third commented: “If the place has a no pets policy, then that's that. It's not a "No pets except Emily's" policy.” Another agreed: “NTA. I've got dog kids, too, but the venue does not allow pets, end of story. And even if it did, the bride and groom's wishes govern the wedding.”

And another added: “NTA. It's crazy what people think they can get away with at other people's weddings as someone who has never made a demand of any bridal party”.

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