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Don't let Labour pull the wool over your eyes! They are about to drop a bomb on your banks

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We are just 10 days away from this new Labour government's first budget, and the warnings signs are now beyond clear.

For weeks now, we have heard the ever-growing rumblings of what Rachel Reeves is planning, and now we stand on the verge of a fiscal event that will be a disaster for our country, and for economy.

Since the day they took office, Labour have tried to pull the wool over the public's eyes.

In one of her first acts as our new Chancellor Rachel Reeves came before the House, stood at the despatch box, and announced to the public their bogus claim that they had apparently discovered some mystical £22bn blackhole in the public finances.

Since then, this claim has been thoroughly discredited.

We've seen continuing evidence that the inheritance this Labour Party has received is far from the worst since the Second World War, as Rachel Reeves bizarrely claimed, with inflation having fallen again to 1.7%, below the Bank of England's target, interest rates cut and upgraded growth forecasts.

We've seen how the Labour Party has handed over billions of pounds in inflation busting pay rises the government handed over to their union paymasters and the strike barons with no requirement for any productivity reforms in return.

And we've even seen the Treasury admitting its own officials are not confident in the sums and need more time to confirm they are accurate before revealing them, a revelation we are still waiting for.

But yet Keir Starmer, Reeves, and an endless litany of the Labour ministers continue to repeat this fabrication in a desperate attempt to justify the pain they look like they are going to inflict on the country in just over a weeks' time.

And we have already had a taste of what his duplicity from the Labour Party leads to - with them using this fictious blackhole to justify their cruel cutting of Winter Fuel Payments.

During the election Starmer insisted that pensioners would be safe under his government, that they could trust their retirement, their savings and their wellbeing with Labour.

And less than a month after taking power they stripped 10 million pensioners, including of some this country's most vulnerable, of their payments ahead of a cold winter.

Now we are seeing the same ugly political snake rear its head again with the Budget.

Once more Rachel Reeves is pushing her narrative to anyone who will listen, hoping that they will then forget the promises Labour made to them just months earlier.

Much like pensioners, they told people across the country exactly what they thought they wanted to hear to win their vote.
They told working people that they would not raise tax on them.

They explicitly said to the country, over and over, they would not touch National Insurance, VAT or Income Tax.

And then just this week it has been revealed Rachel Reeves is considering hiking employer National Insurance Contributions which would not only damage competitiveness, smash businesses, and hurt growth, but would also be a clear and obvious breach of their manifesto commitments.

Labour also claimed all their policies were fully funded and fully costed - Rachel Reeves made clear that as a result she would not fiddle the fiscal rules to allow her to borrow billions of pounds extra.

Now it has emerged that she is considering exactly that, leaving families to pick up the tab for this potential borrowing spree with higher interest rates and higher mortgage rates.

And this all speaks to an obvious pattern that Labour is not being straight and honest with the public.

We can all see that this budget will be deeply damaging - smashing growth, cutting competitiveness, warding off investment, and lining the government's coffers with taxpayers' hard earnt cash.

They clearly did not have the courage to be honest with the British public during the election, and still do not have the courage to be honest with the public now.

So, when this budget comes, and if they break their promises as it appears they are going to do, we will hold them to account for their, deception, deceitfulness and betrayal.

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