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Nigel Farage's bombshell plan to 'copy Liberal Democrats' at next General Election

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Nigel Farage has a bombshell plan to "copy the Liberal Democrats" at the next election.

At Reform's first party conference since they came third in the general election popular vote, the leader told crowds that they needed to take inspiration from another party.

Farage said to boos: "I never thought I'd say this, but we have to model ourselves on the Liberal Democrats."

He praised the Lib Dems' election practises, from branches to leafletting "despite the fact they've not got any policies at all".

The Reform leader pointed out that they'd managed to win 72 seats in parliament despite winning fewer votes thanks to clever targeting.


Farage told Reform members that now is the time to capitalise on public disillusionment with the main parties.

"I don't think there's ever been a time where there has been greater disenchantment in the two big parties that have dominated our political life for the 100 years," he said.

Farage said next year's English local elections are "our first big test of fire" to push for success in the 2029 general election.

"I promise you, the sky is the limit," he added.

The Reform leader also announced that he is giving up some of his shares in the party, which has so far been a limited company in his control.

Farage announced that he is giving up some of his shares in the party, which has so far been a limited company in his control.

According to Politico, crowds were all sporting merchandise supporting either Reform UK or Donald Trump.

During this year's election, Reform got four million votes across the country, winning seats for five MPs, including leader Nigel Farage.

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